Montana youth make history! Get involved & show your support
Held v. State of Montana is a constitutional climate lawsuit brought by 16 Montana youth against their State to protect their equal rights to a healthy environment, life, dignity, and freedom. They are suing because their government is continuing to promote and support fossil fuel extraction and burning, which is worsening the climate crisis and harming these youths’ lives. This is the FIRST-EVER constitutional climate trial in the U.S.--led by Montana youth! There are many ways to be involved!
The Held v Montana trial is set for June 12 - June 23 at the the First Judicial District Court, 228 E Broadway St, in Helena. Supporters will cheer on the plaintiffs entering and leaving court (details below). Live stream viewing and other activities will be held all day during the trial at the Myrna Loy Theater (15 N Ewing St, Helena), with evening events in nearby Pioneer Park on select days.
Arrive at the First Judicial District Court in Helena (228 E Broadway St, Helena) between 8 and 8:15 a.m. weekdays during the trial dates June 12-23 to cheer on the plaintiffs as they enter the courthouse, or join to support them as they exit the courthouse around 5 p.m. each weekday.
Families for a Livable Climate will be in Helena to show our support on June 12 and 13 - join us! Details & schedule here >>
While there is limited seating in the courtroom, the public is invited to gather at the Myrna Loy theater, across the street from the courthouse, to watch the live stream of the proceedings from 9 - 5 each day. There will be a few kids activities, ways to take action, and more.
You can also watch the live stream daily from home online HERE. Be sure to also keep an eye on Our Children's Trust’s Facebook page, where they will post live streams of community events as well as trial recaps, updates, and highlights.
Getting to Helena
BUS FROM MISSOULA - JUNE 12: Sierra Club Montana is providing a bus from Missoula to Helena for the first day of the trial on Monday, June 12. The bus will board at 6:00 am from the Seventh Day Adventist Church (800 South Ave. West), depart at 6:15 and return to Missoula around 4:30 p.m. The bus has 47 seats. SIGN UP HERE.
HOME STAYS: Sleeping Giant Citizens Council is coordinating homestays throughout the trial for folks who will be staying in Helena overnight. Reach out to for more information.
Public Parking Map: Recommend parking in areas highlighted in Blue and Green. There is a parking garage near the courthouse off of Broadway.
The Held v Montana trial is scheduled June 12 -23. Our Children's Trust is in need of volunteers during these two weeks! Several different types of volunteer roles are available, with different shifts available each day! If you live in Helena or plan to attend and want to volunteer, please fill out this form from Our Children's Trust.
Participate in our social media campaign to show your support! Send a photo of yourself or your family to In the email, include a short (1-3 sentence) response to the following prompt: "I stand with Held youth because..." Select responses will be posted in our news and media and shared with the plaintiffs!
Refer to Our Children’s Trust’s social media toolkit for other posts about the trial.
Inspired by the tenacity of the Held v. Montana youth and other young people who are standing up for their futures?
One of the best ways that parents, family members, and caregivers can support our kids is to take action on climate ourselves. Show your support: Take our climate action pledge, put it on your fridge, and stick to it! Take the pledge today..
Update: Juliana v. United States - Act now!
This just in from Our Children's Trust: On June 1, almost eight years since Juliana v. U.S. was first filed in 2015, Judge Ann Aiken of the U.S. District Court ruled that the Juliana case will proceed and the 21 plaintiffs will finally present their damning evidence of the unconstitutionality of the U.S. energy system in open court! At long last, evidence that indisputably proves the federal government’s knowing perpetuation of the climate crisis will come to light, in public, and Judge Aiken will rule whether the U.S. energy system violates the youth’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, property, and equal protection of the laws.
In the coming days, U.S. Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland - the nation’s top lawyer at the U.S. Department of Justice - will decide whether to perpetuate the Trump Administration DOJ’s legacy of obfuscation and delay, including determining whether to file an extreme legal tool that the Trump DOJ used to delay justice in this case for more than 7 years - the Petition for Writ of Mandamus.
Attorney General Garland has a choice: the DOJ can file a record SEVENTH Petition for Writ of Mandamus to FURTHER delay this case, or he can finally allow the case to proceed to trial. He must personally sign off on any further delay tactic in this case.
TAKE ACTION now at Our Children's Trust's website.