Youth Climate Action 101

Leading up to the 2025 Climate Advocacy Day, we had the privilege of participating in a powerful and inspiring training lead by Montana youth about how to take Climate Action. The training is empowering and educational. It addresses the question of “what can I do?”

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Caitlyn Lewis
Action Alert 🚨 Support HB 160 - local control of plastic containers

HB 160 is a bill to repeal HB407, a Montana law passed in 2021 that prohibits citizen initiatives and local governments from regulating unnecessary single-use plastics such as carryout bags and polystyrene cups. HB 160 supports local governments’ ability to regulate and to protect citizens from the harms of unnecessary single-use plastics. Allowing local control is critical for climate momentum to take place.

HB 160 (Rep. Ed Stafman, D-Bozeman) repeals this law so that Montanans can use their local governments to protect their right to a clean and healthful environment with prudent policies on single-use plastics.

Our Montana legislators need to hear support from their constituents!

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