Family Climate Action Toolkit

“There are literally thousands of things that you can do to help slow the climate crisis.

And if you choose to do only one thing, you are helping. Period.” - Emily Atkin of Heated


Yes, things are dire, but we have the solutions (or many of them!) Our children’s lives and futures are already being adversely impacted, and without action, it will get worse.

Yes, we need the politicians, world leaders, and corporations need to take drastic action, but the world needs sustained action, by massive numbers of people. This is our hope.

Our action toolkit is meant as a starting place to ground yourself in meaningful climate action, even if you only have a little bit of time or resources to contribute.

Yes, it matters. Yes, you can do it. No, you are not alone!


Let’s take action together!

End climate silence

Talk about climate regularly

Share your concerns about climate change with your friends, family, and colleagues. Focus on hope, and what solutions inspire you.

  • We must talk about regulating carbon pollution and climate change in order to pass bold climate policies. As of 2023, 68% of Montanans support regulating carbon pollution, but 64% rarely talk about climate change. According to climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, the most important thing you can do to fight climate change is to talk about it. 

  • Talk with your kids about climate change.

    • “Talking to children about climate change is not just about educating them on the science; it’s about empowering them to be part of the solution.” - Read more tips on talking to the kids in your life.

  • Okay, so how do I talk about climate change?

    • Watch this short video with more climate conversation tips and join one of our Climate Conversation workshops. 

  • Share your story of hope or concern about climate in your conversations, a letter to the editor (LTE), or with the Montana Climate Stories project.

  • Get connected by reading others stories through the Montana Climate Stories project or Changing Times.

Join a climate action community

When we connect in community, we are more empowered and resilient.

  • Find a group that inspires you and is already taking action, and join in!

  • Join one of our volunteer working groups or find a local climate organization or club.

    Regularly gather together with friends to support each other in taking climate action and talking about solutions. 

  • Find actions you can take with your family. Encourage your kids to come up with creative ways to express their own solutions within the community. Taking action builds hope and reduces climate anxiety and mental health risks.

  • Donate to a Montana climate organization! Whether you can contribute $5 or $500, your support will make a difference.

Become a leader in your community

Lead climate actions in your immediate community (school, work, church, club, team, etc.)

  • How do I leverage my own strengths, interests, and community needs? 

  • Create your own Climate venn diagram to get inspired!

  • Lead your own initiative. For example, is anyone leading the climate conversation in your field? Could you lead or encourage that conversation?

  • Invite your community members to support your action idea. Research shows that people are more likely to take action if you ask them directly to get involved.

  • Join one of our volunteer working groups!

Advocate for change

The answer to addressing this crisis is clear and simple: rapidly end the use of fossil fuels.

  • Speak up to public representatives (call, email, or make an appointment in person!) Get together with friends to do it together.

  • Check out these climate lobbying tips from Yale Climate Communications. 

Decarbonize your life

  • Decarbonize your finances

  • Weatherize and electrify

    • Weatherize your doors, windows, and roof to save on heating and cooling costs.

    • Electrify your home!  Now is the time. There are a lot of state and federal  tax incentives  available. Point of sale rebates for certain electric appliances will be available in MT in early 2025. Check out Rewiring America’s electrification calculator to learn how you may be able to take advantage of incentives and rebates.

    • Review this checklist from Yale Climate Connections and check out Rewiring America’s Home Electrification guide.

  • Transportation

    • Walk more, ride bikes, and take the bus whenever possible. If you have the means, purchase an EV and/or electric bike.

  • Purchases

    • From food to clothes, we can “vote” with our wallets and reduce impacts by shopping locally and avoiding online retailers.

We need a chorus of people demanding bold action.

Our kids, and their futures, are depending on us.

Action is Our Hope