Sustainable Investing

We help families understand how sustainable responsible investing (SRI) plays an important role in creating a livable climate and empower families to bring their financial investments into alignment with their values. 

The SRI group is building off of the FLC-sponsored "Decarbonize Your Money" series of webinars and meetings. We are in the early stages of planning (as of Feb 2024), and anticipate additional workshops, meetings and webinars tailored for those interested not only in moving their investments out of fossil fuels, but also reinvesting in industries that are reshaping our economy toward a more sustainable future.

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Clean Energy

Electricity generation in Montana produces more climate warming emissions than all transportation or industry in our state. The technology exists today to transition to a clean, reliable, and affordable grid.  We are working to support and pressure the Public Service Commission, legislature, and Northwestern Energy to do the right thing and make this transition now.

Decisions about our kids' future are being made in the capital and at NWE headquarters. This is the time for Montanans to come together and protect our kids' future.

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Healthy Schools for Montana Kids

Our goal is to provide tools and support for every Montana school to improve energy efficiency, incorporate renewable energy, improve sustainability throughout operations, and provide a healthy environment for kids to learn.

The Healthy Schools group has put on two Federal Dollars for Montana Schools webinars to help schools apply for federal grants, organized an Electric Bus Drive and Ride event to allow school administrators to test-drive an electric school bus and sign on to a group application to the EPA, developed a sustainability newsletter for Montana school officials, and helped MCPS schools obtain free air purifiers from DPHHS.

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Beyond Plastics

We collaborate with citizens through local and statewide actions to end plastic pollution in Montana.

The Families for a Livable Climate Plastics Working Group is an affiliate of the national organization Beyond Plastics. Beyond Plastics is building a growing grassroots movement to support local action by providing training, resources and support. There are currently 126 Beyond Plastics  local and affiliate groups across the country.

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Common Good

Common Good Missoula unites everyday Missoulians to work together across traditional divides like race, class, and ideologies. We listen. We plan. We organize. We act. We celebrate.

Common Good Missoula is an affiliate of IAF (Industrial Areas Foundation) Northwest and has 19 member organizations based in Missoula - All Nations Health Center, labor unions, faith communities, neighborhoods, and other non-profits. In our tradition, organizing is led by the people most directly affected by the issues the organization is working on. 

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