Healthy Schools for Montana Kids
Our goal is to provide tools and support for every Montana school to improve energy efficiency, incorporate renewable energy, improve sustainability throughout operations, and provide a healthy environment for kids to learn.
The Healthy Schools group has put on two Federal Dollars for Montana Schools webinars to help schools apply for federal grants, organized an Electric Bus Drive and Ride event to allow school administrators to test-drive an electric school bus and sign on to a group application to the EPA, developed a sustainability newsletter for Montana school officials, and helped MCPS schools obtain free air purifiers from DPHHS.
Healthy Schools Projects, News, and Events
Nothing like a little positive reinforcement to clean up the air! Families for a Livable Climate Healthy Schools for Montana Kids group recently planned a No Idling Day at Russell Elementary in Missoula.
During Families for a Livable Climate’s recent Clean School Bus Drive ‘N Ride event in partnership with Moms Clean Air Force & Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, folks gathered around electric school buses at Harlow's Truck Center, at the Wye outside of Missoula.
Read about what we learned and how you can get electric school buses for your school here!
We are so thankful for the wonderful group of experts and school representatives who joined us on November 15th for our second webinar on utilizing federal funds for electrifying Montana schools! The webinar featured inspiring clean energy funding opportunities and success stories from across the state from Havre to Winnett. Watch the webinar and find accompanying resources here.
We were blown away by our May 1 “Federal Money for Montana Schools: Solar and EV Buses” webinar! It was an incredible conversation with some amazing guests.
Some highlights: We heard from government experts about funding opportunities. We heard stories from Sam Spector of Sweet Grass High School in Big Timber, MT, about the massive savings they’ve experienced from their solar array and other projects. We heard from Transportation Directory Bethany Aurin from West Grand School District in Colorado who gave their EV buses a glowing review for performance in snow, ice, and more!
Want to make sure the kids at your child’s school are breathing clean air? Up for an easy, low-commitment volunteer project that will have a big impact? Join our Clean Air for Montana Kids network!