Clean Energy

Electricity generation in Montana produces more climate warming emissions than all transportation or industry in our state. The technology exists today to transition to a clean, reliable, and affordable grid.  We are working to support and pressure the Public Service Commission, legislature, and Northwestern Energy to do the right thing and make this transition now.

Decisions about our kids' future are being made in the capital and at NWE headquarters. This is the time for Montanans to come together and protect our kids' future.

Meet the Working Group Chairs

Michael Hudson

Michael is a father, husband, and psychotherapist. His love of his children and care for all the beings of the planet inspire his efforts to see our grid transition rapidly to 100 percent renewable energy.  

He has spent much of his life in the backcountry, and has trained in Aikido for more than 2 decades.  As a psychotherapist he has had the privilege to witness the best of humanity -- love, courage, and incredible capability in the face of deep challenges.  These experiences provide the foundation for his activism. 

He continues to work to understand the relationship between his ancestry of colonization and his responsibilities as a part of a landscape that has been cared for by indigenous people for millennia. 

Alysha Goheen

Alysha Goheen was lucky to grow up in the Bitterroot woods and always has the forest in her heart. She has enjoyed working the last two decades in nonprofits serving and advocating for women and children. Alysha is blessed to be the mother of two bright lights, Sylvie and Gigi. Their futures and the futures of all children and living beings on our planet is what motivates her to step into this new-to-her world of climate action. In her free time, Alysha most enjoys backpacking with her girls and her furry dog-friend, Tucker.

Clean Energy Group Actions, News, & Events