Tell DEQ: Prioritize Montana Schools

Electric International Bus, photographed in Missoula at Harlow’s Truck Center

Comments due February 15

The state of Montana accepted an EPA planning grant to formulate an emissions reduction plan for the state. Governor Gianforte named the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) as the lead agency. DEQ just released the Draft Plan. Upon completion by March 1, Montana will be eligible to apply for up to $4.6 billion available for competitive implementation grants.

Overall, the draft emissions reduction plan lacks the ambition we need to tackle carbon pollution effectively in MT, and it includes some bad ideas. However, one of the best ideas on the list is to support Montana schools and transform aging school infrastructure.

Many Montana communities have been struggling to upgrade aging school infrastructure. With inflation, increased property taxes, and climbing energy rates, lowering costs for schools is more important than ever.

Montana kids deserve Healthy Schools

Through the CPRG Program, Montana has an historic opportunity to revitalize aging infrastructure in K-12 schools, reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. Through our work with the Electrify Montana coalition and the SMART Schools subcommittee, we recommend that the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), in coordination with its SMART Schools program, go all in on schools and submit a $50 million implementation grant application to the EPA by April 1 to create a Smart Schools Fund (PDF). This proposal will lower costs for schools across the state and deliver tangible benefits for Montana families using federal funds.

Take action: tell DEQ to prioritize montana schools

  1. Join the DEQ’s virtual Public Comment Meeting on February 8 at 3 p.m. Sign up to attend here.

  2. Take a quick survey to share your school’s needs, and send written comments to DEQ. Comments on this plan are due February 15th. Please fill out a brief survey about your local school, and add your comments to DEQ at the links below. The forms differ, so please choose the form that is applicable to you.