Healthy Schools for Montana Kids - Resources
Interested in how clean energy can save your local schools money, and reduce air pollution?
Here’s a quick roadmap for getting involved and the big picture!
Watch the Federal Dollars for Montana Schools webinar now. The recorded webinar provides a brief overview of funding, and really wonderful stories from rural schools about solar and EV bus successes. Get inspired to act, and hear about the nitty gritty workings of adding EV buses and solar to your school!
Inspired? Become a local clean energy champion for your school! Dive in with others in your community.
Join Families for a Livable Climate’s Healthy Schools for Montana Kids network to connect with statewide community of school clean energy champions who share ideas and strategies. Reach out to our volunteer lead for the network, Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan, at or our director, Winona Bateman, at
Become a member of Moms Clean Air Force by joining our email list and taking action at our website. You can connect with Michelle Uberuaga with Moms Clean Air Force Montana at
There’s money available now for schools to save money, reduce air pollution, and become more resilient.
*Renew America’s Schools Grant” (Department of Energy)
$500 million
Covers things like energy efficiency improvements, solar panels, alternative vehicles & charging infrastructure
Applications likely due next winter - TBA
*Clean School Bus Program” (EPA)
$5 billion over 5 years
Covers electric and alternative-fuel school buses
Accepting applications NOW through August 22,2023
SMART Schools program - MT DEQ
Alternative Fuels & Transportation program - MT DEQ
USB Renewable Energy Grants for nonprofits and government buildings
Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities
Moms Clean Air Force EV Bus Toolkit
“Electric Bus Arrives in West Grand”
“Havre schools add two electric buses to fleet”