What is the Inflation Reduction Act, and how can your family benefit?

At Families for a Livable Climate, we’re super excited at all the opportunities presented for homeowners and renters through the Inflation Reduction Act, and we’re grateful and inspired by all the amazing local groups pioneering electrification programs in Montana communities, such as our friends at Climate Smart Missoula and their Electrify Missoula!

In celebration of Earth Week, we’ve prepped a few resources to get you started in thinking about electrifying your life!

What is the Inflation Reduction Act?

"The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest clean energy investment America has ever made, with strategic incentives to make the transition to clean energy and a decarbonized life easy and financially smart. Its home energy offerings include up-front discounts, tax credits and low-cost financing that together provide a substantial pot of money for every household to electrify the machines they rely on — the cars they drive, how they heat the air and water in their homes, cook their food, dry their clothes and get their power — regardless of income level.

"Think of the IRA as a free electric bank account with your name on it, because that’s what it is. It’s your own personal fund to help you go electric — swapping out your old, fossil-fueled appliances for new, clean electric ones — over the next ten years." - RewiringAmerica.org