Support our work, and get "Naked"

We have big plans for 2022. We will have more opportunities for family-led climate action projects, and more opportunities to engage families across the state! We have a great start already and are so grateful for all the support in raising $5,000 on #GivingTuesday!

As we head into the last two weeks of fundraising for the year, people who donate $100 or more will receive “Naked: Botanical Recipes for Vibrant Skin and Healthy Hair” by clinical herbalist Elaine Sheff as a thank you.

Why this book? Maintaining good self care is so important as we cope with the stress of our changing climate, and centering plants and their medicine will be one theme for us for the coming year. Plant families have so much to teach us, and are critical to our livable future. We really appreciate Elaine offering these books. Elaine co-directs Green Path Herb School. She is an FLC member, and dedicated to helping families stay healthy and well.

Thank you for your support Elaine!

Sarah Lundquist